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作者:佚名 来源:InterNet 加入时间:2005-3-23
  • 使用php的编码功能-问题发现
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    // $Horde: horde/lib/MIME.php,v 1.63 2001/08/08 21:00:27 chuck Exp $

    $mime_types =
          TYPETEXT => 'text', 'text' => TYPETEXT,
          TYPEMULTIPART => 'multipart', 'multipart' => TYPEMULTIPART,
          TYPEMESSAGE => 'message', 'message' => TYPEMESSAGE,
          TYPEAPPLICATION => 'application', 'application' => TYPEAPPLICATION,
          TYPEAUDIO => 'audio', 'audio' => TYPEAUDIO,
          TYPEIMAGE => 'image', 'image' => TYPEIMAGE,
          TYPEVIDEO => 'video', 'video' => TYPEVIDEO,
          TYPEOTHER => 'unknown', 'unknown' => TYPEOTHER

    $mime_encodings =
          ENC7BIT => '7bit', '7bit' => ENC7BIT,
          ENC8BIT => '8bit', '8bit' => ENC8BIT,
          ENCBINARY => 'binary', 'binary' => ENCBINARY,
          ENCBASE64 => 'base64', 'base64' => ENCBASE64,
          ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE => 'quoted-printable', 'quoted-printable' => ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE,
          ENCOTHER => 'unknown', 'unknown' => ENCOTHER

    * The MIME:: class provides methods for dealing with MIME standards.
    * @author  Chuck Hagenbuch <>
    * @version $Revision: 1.64 $
    * @since   Horde 1.3
    * @package horde.mime
    class MIME {
         * Determine if a string contains 8-bit characters.
         * @access private
         * @param string $string  The string to check.
         * @return boolean        true if it does, false if it doesn't.
        function is8bit($string)
            if (is_string($string)) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
                    if (ord($string[$i]) >> 7)
                        return true;
                return false;
            return false;
         * Encode a string containing non-ascii characters according to RFC 2047.
         * @param string $text    The text to encode.
         * @param string $charset (optional) The character set of the text.
         * @param boolean $outer  Is this the final iteration?
         * @return string The text, encoded only if it contains non-ascii characters.
        function encode($text, $charset = null, $outer = true)
            if (MIME::is8bit($text)) {
                if (((strlen($text) * 3) + strlen($charset) + 7) > 76) {
                    $text = MIME::encode(substr($text, 0, (23 - strlen($charset))), $charset) . MIME::encode(substr($text, (23 - strlen($charset))), $charset, false);
                } else {
                    $text = "=?$charset?B?" . strtr(trim(base64_encode($text)), ' ', '_') . "?=\n\t";
            // if this is the final iteration, take off any trailing
            // newline/tab chars.
            if ($outer && (substr($text, -2) == "\n\t"))
                $text = substr($text, 0, -2);
            return $text;
         * Encode a string containing email addresses according to RFC 2047.
         * This differs from MIME::encode() because it keeps email
         * addresses legal, only encoding the personal information.
         * @param string $text      The email addresses to encode.
         * @param string $charset   (optional) The character set of the text.
         * @param string $defserver (optional) The default domain to append to mailboxes.
         * @return string The text, encoded only if it contains non-ascii characters.
        function encodeAddress($text, $charset = null, $defserver = null)
            include_once 'Mail/RFC822.php';
            $addr_arr = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($text, $defserver, false, false);
            $text = '';
            if (is_array($addr_arr)) {
                foreach ($addr_arr as $addr) {
                    if (empty($addr->personal)) {
                        $personal = '';
                    } else {
                        if ((substr($addr->personal, 0, 1) == '"') &&
                            (substr($addr->personal, -1) == '"')) {
                            $addr->personal = substr($addr->personal, 1, -1);
                        $personal = MIME::encode($addr->personal, $charset);
                    if (strlen($text) != 0) $text .= ', ';
                    // FIXME: dependency on imap module
                    $text .= MIME::trimEmailAddress(imap_rfc822_write_address($addr->mailbox, $addr->host, $personal));
            return $text;
         * Decode an RFC 2047-encoded string.
         * @param string $string The text to decode.
         * @return string        The decoded text, or the original string if it was not encoded.
        function decode($string)
            $pos = strpos($string, '=?');
            if ($pos === false) {
                return $string;
            // take out any spaces between multiple encoded words
            $string = preg_replace('|\?=\s=\?|', '?==?', $string);
            $preceding = substr($string, 0, $pos); // save any preceding text
            $search = substr($string, $pos + 2, 75); // the mime header spec says this is the longest a single encoded word can be
            $d1 = strpos($search, '?');
            if (!is_int($d1)) {
                return $string;
            $charset = substr($string, $pos + 2, $d1);
            $search = substr($search, $d1 + 1);
            $d2 = strpos($search, '?');
            if (!is_int($d2)) {
                return $string;
            $encoding = substr($search, 0, $d2);
            $search = substr($search, $d2+1);
            $end = strpos($search, '?=');
            if (!is_int($end)) {
                return $string;
            $encoded_text = substr($search, 0, $end);
            $rest = substr($string, (strlen($preceding . $charset . $encoding . $encoded_text) + 6));
            switch ($encoding) {
            case 'Q':
            case 'q':
                $encoded_text = str_replace('_', '%20', $encoded_text);
                $encoded_text = str_replace('=', '%', $encoded_text);
                $decoded = urldecode($encoded_text);

                /* Convert Cyrillic character sets. */
                if (stristr($GLOBALS['registry']->getCharset(), 'windows-1251')) {
                    if (stristr($charset, 'koi8-r')) {
                        $decoded = convert_cyr_string($decoded, 'k', 'w');
                if (stristr($GLOBALS['registry']->getCharset(), 'koi8-r')) {
                    if (stristr($charset, 'windows-1251')) {
                        $decoded = convert_cyr_string($decoded, 'w', 'k');
            case 'B':
            case 'b':
                $decoded = urldecode(base64_decode($encoded_text));
                if (stristr($GLOBALS['registry']->getCharset(), 'windows-1251')) {
                    if (stristr($charset, 'koi8-r')) {
                        $decoded = convert_cyr_string($decoded, 'k', 'w');
                if (stristr($GLOBALS['registry']->getCharset(), 'koi8-r')) {
                    if (stristr($charset, 'windows-1251')) {
                        $decoded = convert_cyr_string($decoded, 'w', 'k');
                $decoded = '=?' . $charset . '?' . $encoding . '?' . $encoded_text . '?=';
            return $preceding . $decoded . MIME::decode($rest);
         * If an email address has no personal information, get rid of any
         * angle brackets (<>) around it.
         * @param string $address   The address to trim.
         * @return string           The trimmed address.
        function trimEmailAddress($address)
            $address = trim($address);
            if ((substr($address, 0, 1) == '<') && (substr($address, -1) == '>')) {
                $address = substr($address, 1, -1);
            return $address;


  • 使用php的编码功能-问题发现
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