网站建设| 数据库类| 图形图象| 程序设计| 现代办公| 操作系统| 考试认证| 网络技术| 软件工程| 电脑相关| 文学作品
网站开发| 网页制作| 操作系统| 图象图形| 考试认证| 数据库类| 程序设计| 硬件技术| 现代办公| 网络技术| 笑话频道
您的位置: 电脑书库首页-> 电脑文摘-> 数据库类-> PowerBuilder-> 如何在PB中制作特殊形状数据窗口或按钮

作者:佚名 来源:InterNet 加入时间:2005-1-31
  • PB和EAServer共筑多层应用架构
  • PB中的数据窗口自动刷新技术
  • PB中读取地磅BCD解码
  • PB通过OLEObject使用Word
  • PB动态报表格式自由定义的实现
  • 为PB的TreeView实现同步选择
  • 如何用pb实现MSACCESS数据库的图片字段存取
  • 在PB中应用灵活多样的排序
  • 在PB中如何使用Microsoft Outlook发送邮件
  • PB中实现可监控的数据备份
  • 相关书籍:



    global type w_button from window

    end type

    type cb_11 from commandbutton within w_button

    end type

    type cb_10 from commandbutton within w_button

    end type

    type em_3 from editmask within w_button

    end type

    type em_2 from editmask within w_button

    end type

    type em_1 from editmask within w_button

    end type

    type cb_9 from commandbutton within w_button

    end type

    type cb_8 from commandbutton within w_button

    end type

    type cb_7 from commandbutton within w_button

    end type

    type cb_6 from commandbutton within w_button

    end type

    type cb_5 from commandbutton within w_button

    end type

    type cb_4 from commandbutton within w_button

    end type

    type cb_3 from commandbutton within w_button

    end type

    type cb_2 from commandbutton within w_button

    end type

    type cb_1 from commandbutton within w_button

    end type

    type st_1 from statictext within w_button

    end type

    type ws_position from structure within w_button

    end type

    end forward

    type ws_position from structure

         long     xpos

         long     ypos

    end type

    global type w_button from window

    integer width = 2400

    integer height = 1800

    boolean titlebar = true

    string title = "特殊形状数据窗口演示"

    boolean controlmenu = true

    boolean minbox = true

    boolean maxbox = true

    long backcolor = 17725690

    string icon = "AppIcon!"

    boolean center = true

    cb_11 cb_11

    cb_10 cb_10

    em_3 em_3

    em_2 em_2

    em_1 em_1

    cb_9 cb_9

    cb_8 cb_8

    cb_7 cb_7

    cb_6 cb_6

    cb_5 cb_5

    cb_4 cb_4

    cb_3 cb_3

    cb_2 cb_2

    cb_1 cb_1

    st_1 st_1

    end type

    global w_button w_button

    type prototypes

    FUNCTION ulong CreateRoundRectRgn(Long x1, Long y1, Long x2, Long y2, Long x3, Long y3) library "gdi32"

    FUNCTION ulong CreatePolygonRgn (ref ws_position lppt[], int cPoints, int fnPolyFillMode ) Library "gdi32"

    FUNCTION ulong CreateEllipticRgn( Long x1, Long y1, Long x2, Long y2) library "gdi32"

    FUNCTION ulong SetWindowRgn(ulong hWnd,ulong hRgn,boolean bRedraw) LIBRARY "user32"

    FUNCTION ulong CombineRgn(Long hDestRgn, Long hSrcRgn1, Long hSrcRgn2, Long nCombineMode ) LIBRARY "gdi32"

    Function Long SetParent( Long hWndChild, Long hWndNewParent) library "user32"

    Subroutine keybd_event(long bVk, long bScan, long dwFlags, long dwExtraInfo) LIBRARY "user32.dll"

    end prototypes

    forward prototypes

    public function integer of_set_oval (commandbutton acb_button)

    public function integer wf_set_color ()

    end prototypes

    public function integer of_set_oval (commandbutton acb_button);//////////////////////////////////////////////////

    //                                                                         //

    //                 测试用数据(窗口多边形)                    //

    //                                                                         //


    long ll_x1, ll_x2, ll_x3

    long ll_y1, ll_y2, ll_y3

    long ll_handle

    ll_x1 = 1

    ll_y1 = 1

    ll_x2 = UnitsToPixels(acb_button.width, xunitstopixels!)

    ll_y2 = UnitsToPixels(acb_button.height, yunitstopixels!)

    ll_x3 = 64

    ll_y3 = 64

    ll_handle = CreateRoundRectRgn(ll_x1, ll_y1, ll_x2, ll_y2, ll_x3, ll_y3)

    SetwindowRgn(handle(acb_button), ll_handle, true)

    return 1

    end function

    public function integer wf_set_color ();long ll_red, ll_green, ll_blue

    long ll_data

    ll_red = long(em_1.text)

    ll_green = long(em_2.text)

    ll_blue = long(em_3.text)

    ll_data = rgb(ll_red, ll_green, ll_blue)

    this.backcolor = ll_data

    em_1.backcolor = ll_data

    em_2.backcolor = ll_data

    em_3.backcolor = ll_data

    st_1.backcolor = ll_data

    return 1

    end function

    on w_button.create

    this.cb_11=create cb_11

    this.cb_10=create cb_10

    this.em_3=create em_3

    this.em_2=create em_2

    this.em_1=create em_1

    this.cb_9=create cb_9

    this.cb_8=create cb_8

    this.cb_7=create cb_7

    this.cb_6=create cb_6

    this.cb_5=create cb_5

    this.cb_4=create cb_4

    this.cb_3=create cb_3

    this.cb_2=create cb_2

    this.cb_1=create cb_1

    this.st_1=create st_1
















    end on

    on w_button.destroy
















    end on

    event mousemove;Send(handle(this), 274, 61458, 0)

    end event

    type cb_11 from commandbutton within w_button

    integer x = 1216

    integer y = 1096

    integer width = 562

    integer height = 148

    integer taborder = 70

    integer textsize = -12

    integer weight = 700

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    string text = "半圆形花边"

    end type

    event clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////

    //                                                                         //

    //                 测试用数据(窗口多边形)                    //

    //                                                                         //


    long ll_handle, ll_data

    ws_position lws_pointapi[]

    long ll_xpos, ll_ypos, ll_width, ll_height

    long ll_xnum, ll_ynum

    long ll_x, ll_y, ll_flower = 20

    long ll_i, ll_k

    ll_xpos = 1

    ll_ypos = 1

    ll_width = UnitsToPixels(parent.width, xunitstopixels!)

    ll_height = UnitsToPixels(parent.height, yunitstopixels!)

    ll_xpos = ll_xpos + 5

    ll_ypos = ll_ypos + 25 + ll_flower

    ll_width = ll_width - 20

    ll_width = ll_width - mod(ll_width - ll_xpos, ll_flower)

    ll_xnum = (ll_width - ll_xpos) / ll_flower

    ll_height = ll_height - 20

    ll_height = ll_height - mod(ll_height - ll_ypos, ll_flower)

    ll_ynum = (ll_height - ll_ypos) / ll_flower

    lws_pointapi[1].xpos = ll_xpos + ll_flower / 2

    lws_pointapi[1].ypos = ll_ypos - ll_flower / 2

    lws_pointapi[2].xpos = ll_width + ll_flower / 2

    lws_pointapi[2].ypos = ll_ypos - ll_flower / 2

    lws_pointapi[3].xpos = ll_width + ll_flower / 2

    lws_pointapi[3].ypos = ll_height + ll_flower /2

    lws_pointapi[4].xpos = ll_xpos + ll_flower - ll_flower / 2

    lws_pointapi[4].ypos = ll_height + ll_flower/2

    ll_handle = CreatePolygonRgn(lws_pointapi[], 4, 1)

    for ll_i = 1 to ll_xnum + 1

         ll_y = ll_ypos - ll_flower

         ll_x = ll_xpos + ll_flower * ( ll_i - 1 )

         ll_data = CreateEllipticRgn(ll_x, ll_y, ll_x + ll_flower, ll_y + ll_flower)

         CombineRgn(ll_handle, ll_handle, ll_data, 2)


    for ll_i = 1 to ll_ynum + 1

         ll_y = ll_ypos + ll_flower * ( ll_i - 1 )

         ll_x = ll_xpos + ll_flower * ll_xnum

         ll_data = CreateEllipticRgn(ll_x, ll_y, ll_x + ll_flower, ll_y + ll_flower)

         CombineRgn(ll_handle, ll_handle, ll_data, 2)


    for ll_i = 1 to ll_xnum + 1

         ll_y = ll_ypos + ll_flower * ll_ynum

         ll_x = ll_xpos + ll_flower * (ll_xnum - ll_i + 1)

         ll_data = CreateEllipticRgn(ll_x, ll_y, ll_x + ll_flower, ll_y + ll_flower)

         CombineRgn(ll_handle, ll_handle, ll_data, 2)


    for ll_i = 1 to ll_ynum + 1

         ll_y = ll_ypos + ll_flower * (ll_ynum - ll_i + 1)

         ll_x = ll_xpos

         ll_data = CreateEllipticRgn(ll_x, ll_y, ll_x + ll_flower, ll_y + ll_flower)

         CombineRgn(ll_handle, ll_handle, ll_data, 2)


    SetwindowRgn(handle(parent),  ll_handle,  true)  

    end event

    type cb_10 from commandbutton within w_button

    integer x = 1216

    integer y = 1096

    integer width = 562

    integer height = 148

    integer taborder = 60

    integer textsize = -12

    integer weight = 700

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    string text = "关闭窗口"

    end type

    event clicked;close(parent)

    end event

    type em_3 from editmask within w_button

    event editchanged pbm_enchange

    integer x = 1289

    integer y = 104

    integer width = 251

    integer height = 92

    integer taborder = 60

    integer textsize = -9

    integer weight = 400

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    long textcolor = 33554432

    long backcolor = 17725690

    string text = "14"

    alignment alignment = right!

    borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered!

    string mask = "###"

    boolean autoskip = true

    boolean spin = true

    double increment = 5

    string minmax = "0~~255"

    end type

    event editchanged;wf_set_color()

    end event

    type em_2 from editmask within w_button

    event editchanged pbm_enchange

    integer x = 1024

    integer y = 104

    integer width = 251

    integer height = 92

    integer taborder = 60

    integer textsize = -9

    integer weight = 400

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    long textcolor = 33554432

    long backcolor = 17725690

    string text = "120"

    alignment alignment = right!

    borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered!

    string mask = "###"

    boolean autoskip = true

    boolean spin = true

    double increment = 5

    string minmax = "0~~255"

    end type

    event editchanged;wf_set_color()

    end event

    type em_1 from editmask within w_button

    event editchanged pbm_enchange

    integer x = 759

    integer y = 104

    integer width = 251

    integer height = 92

    integer taborder = 60

    integer textsize = -9

    integer weight = 400

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    long textcolor = 33554432

    long backcolor = 17725690

    string text = "250"

    alignment alignment = right!

    borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered!

    string mask = "###"

    boolean autoskip = true

    boolean spin = true

    double increment = 5

    string minmax = "0~~255"

    end type

    event editchanged;wf_set_color()

    end event

    type cb_9 from commandbutton within w_button

    integer x = 590

    integer y = 1096

    integer width = 562

    integer height = 148

    integer taborder = 50

    integer textsize = -12

    integer weight = 700

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    string text = "圆形花边"

    end type

    event clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////

    //                                                                         //

    //                 测试用数据(窗口多边形)                    //

    //                                                                         //


    long ll_handle, ll_data

    ws_position lws_pointapi[]

    long ll_xpos, ll_ypos, ll_width, ll_height

    long ll_xnum, ll_ynum

    long ll_x, ll_y, ll_flower = 20

    long ll_i, ll_k

    ll_xpos = 1

    ll_ypos = 1

    ll_width = UnitsToPixels(parent.width, xunitstopixels!)

    ll_height = UnitsToPixels(parent.height, yunitstopixels!)

    ll_xpos = ll_xpos + 5

    ll_ypos = ll_ypos + 25 + ll_flower

    ll_width = ll_width - 20

    ll_width = ll_width - mod(ll_width - ll_xpos, ll_flower)

    ll_xnum = (ll_width - ll_xpos) / ll_flower

    ll_height = ll_height - 20

    ll_height = ll_height - mod(ll_height - ll_ypos, ll_flower)

    ll_ynum = (ll_height - ll_ypos) / ll_flower

    lws_pointapi[1].xpos = ll_xpos + ll_flower

    lws_pointapi[1].ypos = ll_ypos

    lws_pointapi[2].xpos = ll_width

    lws_pointapi[2].ypos = ll_ypos

    lws_pointapi[3].xpos = ll_width

    lws_pointapi[3].ypos = ll_height

    lws_pointapi[4].xpos = ll_xpos + ll_flower

    lws_pointapi[4].ypos = ll_height

    ll_handle = CreatePolygonRgn(lws_pointapi[], 4, 1)

    for ll_i = 1 to ll_xnum + 1

         ll_y = ll_ypos - ll_flower

         ll_x = ll_xpos + ll_flower * ( ll_i - 1 )

         ll_data = CreateEllipticRgn(ll_x, ll_y, ll_x + ll_flower, ll_y + ll_flower)

         CombineRgn(ll_handle, ll_handle, ll_data, 2)


    for ll_i = 1 to ll_ynum + 1

         ll_y = ll_ypos + ll_flower * ( ll_i - 1 )

         ll_x = ll_xpos + ll_flower * ll_xnum

         ll_data = CreateEllipticRgn(ll_x, ll_y, ll_x + ll_flower, ll_y + ll_flower)

         CombineRgn(ll_handle, ll_handle, ll_data, 2)


    for ll_i = 1 to ll_xnum + 1

         ll_y = ll_ypos + ll_flower * ll_ynum

         ll_x = ll_xpos + ll_flower * (ll_xnum - ll_i + 1)

         ll_data = CreateEllipticRgn(ll_x, ll_y, ll_x + ll_flower, ll_y + ll_flower)

         CombineRgn(ll_handle, ll_handle, ll_data, 2)


    for ll_i = 1 to ll_ynum + 1

         ll_y = ll_ypos + ll_flower * (ll_ynum - ll_i + 1)

         ll_x = ll_xpos

         ll_data = CreateEllipticRgn(ll_x, ll_y, ll_x + ll_flower, ll_y + ll_flower)

         CombineRgn(ll_handle, ll_handle, ll_data, 2)


    SetwindowRgn(handle(parent),  ll_handle,  true)  

    end event

    type cb_8 from commandbutton within w_button

    integer x = 1216

    integer y = 628

    integer width = 562

    integer height = 148

    integer taborder = 30

    integer textsize = -12

    integer weight = 700

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    string text = "圆形窗口"

    end type

    event clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////

    //                                                                         //

    //                 测试用数据(窗口多边形)                    //

    //                                                                         //


    long ll_x1, ll_x2, ll_x3

    long ll_y1, ll_y2, ll_y3

    long ll_handle

    long ll_data

    ll_data = UnitsToPixels(parent.width, xunitstopixels!)

    ll_data = PixelsToUnits(ll_data, ypixelstounits!)

    parent.height = ll_data

    ll_x1 = 10

    ll_y1 = 25

    ll_x2 = UnitsToPixels(parent.width, xunitstopixels!) - 10

    ll_y2 = UnitsToPixels(parent.height, yunitstopixels!) - 10

    ll_handle = CreateEllipticRgn(ll_x1, ll_y1, ll_x2, ll_y2)

    SetwindowRgn(handle(parent), ll_handle, true)

    return 1

    end event

    type cb_7 from commandbutton within w_button

    integer x = 585

    integer y = 940

    integer width = 562

    integer height = 148

    integer taborder = 40

    integer textsize = -12

    integer weight = 700

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    string text = "波浪花边"

    end type

    event clicked;long ll_xpos, ll_ypos, ll_width, ll_height

    long ll_x, ll_y, ll_flower = 80

    long ll_i, ll_k, ll_max = 40, ll_min = 35

    long  ll_handle  

    ws_position  lws_pointapi[]  

    ll_xpos = 1

    ll_ypos = 1

    ll_width = UnitsToPixels(parent.width, xunitstopixels!)

    ll_height = UnitsToPixels(parent.height, yunitstopixels!)

    ll_k = 1

    for ll_i = 1 to ll_flower

         if mod(ll_i, 2) = 0 then

             ll_y = ll_ypos + ll_max


             ll_y = ll_ypos + ll_min

         end if

         ll_x = ll_xpos + ll_width / ll_flower * ll_i

         lws_pointapi[ll_k].xpos = ll_x

         lws_pointapi[ll_k].ypos = ll_y

         ll_k ++


    for ll_i = 1 to ll_flower

         if mod(ll_i, 2) = 0 then

             ll_x = ll_width - 5


             ll_x = ll_width - ll_max + ll_min - 5

         end if

         ll_y = ll_ypos + ll_height / ll_flower * ll_i + ll_min

         lws_pointapi[ll_k].xpos = ll_x

         lws_pointapi[ll_k].ypos = ll_y

         ll_k ++


    for ll_i = 1 to ll_flower

         if mod(ll_i, 2) = 1 then

             ll_y = ll_height - 5


             ll_y = ll_height - ll_max + ll_min - 5

         end if

         ll_x = ll_width - ll_width / ll_flower * ll_i - 5

         lws_pointapi[ll_k].xpos = ll_x

         lws_pointapi[ll_k].ypos = ll_y

         ll_k ++


    for ll_i = 1 to ll_flower

         if mod(ll_i, 2) = 1 then

             ll_x = ll_xpos + 5


             ll_x = ll_xpos + ll_max - ll_min + 5

         end if

         ll_y = ll_height - ll_height / ll_flower * ll_i + ll_min

         lws_pointapi[ll_k].xpos = ll_x

         lws_pointapi[ll_k].ypos = ll_y

         ll_k ++


    ll_handle  =  CreatePolygonRgn(lws_pointapi[],  upperbound(lws_pointapi),  1)  

    //其中第  1  个参数为多边形各个顶点坐标值的数组  

    //其中第  2  个参数为多边形边数,可修改,配合数组值  

    //其中第  3  个参数为填充模式  ALTERNATE  /WINDING    

    SetwindowRgn(handle(parent),  ll_handle,  true)  

    end event

    type cb_6 from commandbutton within w_button

    integer x = 585

    integer y = 784

    integer width = 562

    integer height = 148

    integer taborder = 30

    integer textsize = -12

    integer weight = 700

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    string text = "八边形窗口"

    end type

    event clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////

    //                                                                         //

    //                 测试用数据(窗口多边形)                    //

    //                                                                         //


    long ll_handle

    ws_position lws_pointapi[]

    // 图形2

    int li_xpos, li_ypos, li_width, li_height

    li_xpos = 12

    li_ypos = 1

    li_width = UnitsToPixels(parent.width, xunitstopixels!) - 32

    li_height = UnitsToPixels(parent.height, yunitstopixels!) - 32

    lws_pointapi[1].xpos = li_xpos

    lws_pointapi[1].ypos = li_ypos + li_height / 3

    lws_pointapi[2].xpos = li_xpos + li_width / 3

    lws_pointapi[2].ypos = li_ypos

    lws_pointapi[3].xpos = li_xpos + li_width * 2 / 3

    lws_pointapi[3].ypos = li_ypos

    lws_pointapi[4].xpos = li_xpos + li_width

    lws_pointapi[4].ypos = li_ypos + li_height / 3

    lws_pointapi[5].xpos = li_xpos + li_width

    lws_pointapi[5].ypos = li_ypos + li_height * 2 / 3

    lws_pointapi[6].xpos = li_xpos + li_width * 2 / 3

    lws_pointapi[6].ypos = li_ypos + li_height

    lws_pointapi[7].xpos = li_xpos + li_width / 3

    lws_pointapi[7].ypos = li_ypos + li_height

    lws_pointapi[8].xpos = li_xpos

    lws_pointapi[8].ypos = li_ypos + li_height * 2 / 3

    ll_handle = CreatePolygonRgn(lws_pointapi[], 8, 1)

    //其中第 1 个参数为多边形各个顶点坐标值的数组

    //其中第 2 个参数为多边形边数,可修改,配合数组值

    //其中第 3 个参数为填充模式 ALTERNATE /WINDING

    SetwindowRgn(handle(parent), ll_handle, true)

    return 1

    end event

    type cb_5 from commandbutton within w_button

    integer x = 1216

    integer y = 940

    integer width = 562

    integer height = 148

    integer taborder = 20

    integer textsize = -12

    integer weight = 700

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    string text = "还原窗口"

    end type

    event clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////

    //                                                                         //

    //                 测试用数据(窗口多边形)                    //

    //                                                                         //


    long ll_handle

    ws_position lws_pointapi[]

    // 图形2

    int li_xpos, li_ypos, li_width, li_height

    li_xpos = 1

    li_ypos = 1

    li_width = UnitsToPixels(parent.width, xunitstopixels!)

    li_height = UnitsToPixels(parent.height, yunitstopixels!)

    lws_pointapi[1].xpos = li_xpos

    lws_pointapi[1].ypos = li_ypos

    lws_pointapi[2].xpos = li_xpos + li_width

    lws_pointapi[2].ypos = li_ypos

    lws_pointapi[3].xpos = li_xpos + li_width

    lws_pointapi[3].ypos = li_ypos + li_height

    lws_pointapi[4].xpos = li_xpos

    lws_pointapi[4].ypos = li_ypos + li_height

    ll_handle = CreatePolygonRgn(lws_pointapi[], 4, 1)

    //其中第 1 个参数为多边形各个顶点坐标值的数组

    //其中第 2 个参数为多边形边数,可修改,配合数组值

    //其中第 3 个参数为填充模式 ALTERNATE /WINDING

    SetwindowRgn(handle(parent), ll_handle, true)

    return 1

    end event

    type cb_4 from commandbutton within w_button

    integer x = 585

    integer y = 628

    integer width = 562

    integer height = 148

    integer taborder = 30

    integer textsize = -12

    integer weight = 700

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    string text = "椭圆形窗口"

    end type

    event clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////

    //                                                                         //

    //                 测试用数据(窗口多边形)                    //

    //                                                                         //


    long ll_x1, ll_x2, ll_x3

    long ll_y1, ll_y2, ll_y3

    long ll_handle

    parent.width = 2400

    parent.height = 1800

    ll_x1 = 10

    ll_y1 = 25

    ll_x2 = UnitsToPixels(parent.width, xunitstopixels!) - 10

    ll_y2 = UnitsToPixels(parent.height, yunitstopixels!) - 10

    ll_handle = CreateEllipticRgn(ll_x1, ll_y1, ll_x2, ll_y2)

    SetwindowRgn(handle(parent), ll_handle, true)

    return 1

    end event

    type cb_3 from commandbutton within w_button

    integer x = 1216

    integer y = 472

    integer width = 562

    integer height = 148

    integer taborder = 20

    integer textsize = -12

    integer weight = 700

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    string text = "菱形窗口"

    end type

    event clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////

    //                                                                         //

    //                 测试用数据(窗口多边形)                    //

    //                                                                         //


    long ll_handle

    ws_position lws_pointapi[]

    // 图形2

    int li_xpos, li_ypos, li_width, li_height

    li_xpos = 1

    li_ypos = 1

    li_width = UnitsToPixels(parent.width, xunitstopixels!)

    li_height = UnitsToPixels(parent.height, yunitstopixels!)

    lws_pointapi[1].xpos = li_xpos

    lws_pointapi[1].ypos = li_ypos + li_height / 2

    lws_pointapi[2].xpos = li_xpos + li_width / 2

    lws_pointapi[2].ypos = li_ypos

    lws_pointapi[3].xpos = li_xpos + li_width

    lws_pointapi[3].ypos = li_ypos + li_height / 2

    lws_pointapi[4].xpos = li_xpos + li_width / 2

    lws_pointapi[4].ypos = li_ypos + li_height

    ll_handle = CreatePolygonRgn(lws_pointapi[], 4, 1)

    //其中第 1 个参数为多边形各个顶点坐标值的数组

    //其中第 2 个参数为多边形边数,可修改,配合数组值

    //其中第 3 个参数为填充模式 ALTERNATE /WINDING

    SetwindowRgn(handle(parent), ll_handle, true)

    return 1

    end event

    type cb_2 from commandbutton within w_button

    integer x = 585

    integer y = 472

    integer width = 562

    integer height = 148

    integer taborder = 20

    integer textsize = -12

    integer weight = 700

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    string text = "圆角矩形按钮"

    end type

    event clicked;this.enabled = false


    end event

    type cb_1 from commandbutton within w_button

    integer x = 1216

    integer y = 784

    integer width = 562

    integer height = 148

    integer taborder = 10

    integer textsize = -12

    integer weight = 700

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    string text = "圆角矩形窗口"

    end type

    event clicked;//////////////////////////////////////////////////

    //                                                                         //

    //                 测试用数据(窗口多边形)                    //

    //                                                                         //


    long ll_x1, ll_x2, ll_x3

    long ll_y1, ll_y2, ll_y3

    long ll_handle

    ll_x1 = 4

    ll_y1 = 4

    ll_x2 = UnitsToPixels(parent.width, xunitstopixels!) - 4

    ll_y2 = UnitsToPixels(parent.height, yunitstopixels!) - 4

    ll_x3 = 250

    ll_y3 = 250

    ll_handle = CreateRoundRectRgn(ll_x1, ll_y1, ll_x2, ll_y2, ll_x3, ll_y3)

    SetwindowRgn(handle(parent), ll_handle, true)

    return 1

    end event

    type st_1 from statictext within w_button

    integer x = 567

    integer y = 200

    integer width = 1207

    integer height = 264

    boolean bringtotop = true

    integer textsize = -8

    integer weight = 400

    fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!

    fontpitch fontpitch = variable!

    string facename = "宋体"

    long textcolor = 33554432

    long backcolor = 17725690

    alignment alignment = center!

    boolean focusrectangle = false

    end type

    event clicked;if this.width <= 1000 then

         this.resize(1586, 2164)


         this.resize(986, 264)

    end if

    end event


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  • PB中的数据窗口自动刷新技术
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  • PB动态报表格式自由定义的实现
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